I have not posted since Fall...what's up with that?
It has been a tough fall but winter really kicked it into high gear. We have been in snow up to our keesters since early December. Right now we have more than 3 feet of snow on the ground. It has morphed out of snow and into a block of ice that will hold a truck. Our fair city did a really poor job of clearing the streets. We went from regular trucks to private contractor. Lavonne claims our snowplow was a Mini Cooper with a blade. It does look like that.
Now, with the nasty weather (7 major snows since Jan.) we had another challenge. I was diagnised with breast cancer in late Fall. I had the biopsy (fun) the full surgery (more fun) and now radiation. I will do Tamoxafin after the radiation. We caught it early and that is all good. So, I go through one radiation treatment each day now and get a little nauseous (maybe some weight loss?) and some exhaustion (I am a good napper). So far so good and we will get through this and count our blessings and kick any of our friends and loved onve who do not get a regular mamogram...be warned.