Sunday, July 29, 2007

I rode with a crazy DC driver to a local Welsley dining establishment. Cheryl, the driver, had general directions and after making several pedestrians turn their lives over to the Lord she got us to Blue Ginger. This restaurant is owned by Ming Tsai (yes the guy who has a line of asian fusion food at Target and the TV shows).

We dined on pepper garlic lobster (I wanted to move in) and desserts that would curl your toes. Then, as Ming moved out of the kitchen to work the crowd... Cheryl (a huge fan) began lusting after a rump roast that was not on the menu. When the roast turned his flank steaks around and came by to say hello she got this glassy eyed look (I haven't seen since the Beatle years). Ming used to cook in Santa Fe and he told me he left when boc choy got to be $6 where here is is 39 cents. Cheryl, could not speak so I just let her sit there and look goofy (what are friends for).

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Dad and the "Ladies"

Sharon, Lavonne's sister visited Elmo while we were in Los Alamos. Dad, being his usual generous self took the ladies to lunch (all 6 of us). When the cafe owner a lovely Asian guy) came up to welcome Dad and ask where Mel was...he looked at me puzzled and asked who the guests were. I said, I am Elmo's daughter, Lavonne is his other daughter and Sharon, Lavonne's sister, chimed in...I am Monday and she isTuesday...etc.

I added that he is so hard to buy for...and Father's day was coming up soon.

The flustered guy did not stick around. I can't imagine why...but Dad's cache in Los Alamos as a ladies man just went up big time. I am known to the guys on the hill as the daughter who gives the most amazing and useful gifts. I put Sharon's cell number in the bathroom.

My two favorite guys!

For those of you who have been living under a rock and have not had to sit through my photos of Archer and Jesus I am posting photos of these two little gys from their blogs (they aren't blogging yet but they have blogging "staff" who do the work for them...OK Mom's who do that for them).

Now these are cute babies! If you think otherwise just keep your thought to yourself and remember that Lavonne and I are both licensed to carry concealed handguns.

Saturday, July 7, 2007


We are in the Pacific Northwest. We toured Victoria and Vancouver and Sammich Island and generally relaxed. Lavonne loves the totems and sunsets. I was kind of fond of the shrimp scampi.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Cubby the cat is back in Steamboat and we miss his grey little mug. He has been chasing critters on the acreage and catching zip. This is a photo of him on the perch he selected after we had his niblits removed. He looks a bit

The watertower view is from the bunkhouse. The bunkhouse is done and needs a wall out front (done soon). Sharon has moved in and is taking care of mowing while we are out and about. We will break ground on the new garage this summer and the big house in the Spring. Gee, that sounds like a lot of work.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

The elk were everywhere in Estes and in Aspen.

Another Summer on the Road!

We have finally returned home after the first workshop for the summer. We wish you all could have been with us to enjoy the mountains.